Why You Should Get Cavities Treated With Dental Fillings

Dental Filling Marion, NC

The most popular way to treat cavities is with dental fillings. Cavities are holes in the teeth caused by decay, often from overindulgence in sugary foods and drinks like candy and soda. They are used to fill these holes in the teeth and prevent further tooth decay. Fillings can be made of materials such as gold, silver amalgam, composite resin, and porcelain or ceramic. There are several reasons why you should get any cavities you may have treated with fillings.

Helps repair cavities

Having a filling put in will stop a cavity from growing. The first thing the dentist will do before he or she fills in a cavity is to clean out the hole left by the tooth decay (the cavity itself). This ensures that there will be no bacteria trapped under the filling, which prevents infection.

The next step in the process is for your dentist to fill the cavity with whatever material was chosen for the filling (this will be gold, silver, composite, or porcelain). This closes the hole created by the cavity and protects the nerve from being exposed to the acids that naturally occur in your mouth and the temperature of foods you consume, such as ice cream and hot tea. The exposure of the nerve is why toothaches happen when you have an untreated cavity.

Improves tooth structure

Composite fillings can help improve tooth structure. The tooth will no longer be hollowed out by the cavity, but rather it will be supported by the filling. Since fillings are a temporary solution and must be replaced over time, there is no damage done to your tooth when applying a dental filling.

Repair tooth cracks and fractures

Cavities are not the only problem that dental fillings are used to treat. Fillings can also be used to repair tooth cracks and fractures. Cracks and fractures can happen due to injury from car accidents and contact sports to damage from grinding your teeth, biting your nails, or chewing things like ice and hard candy.

Additionally, your teeth become weaker and more susceptible to cracks and fractures as you age. The shade of a composite filling can be matched to the color of your teeth, making it ideal for fillings in teeth that are visible when you talk or smile.

Improves tooth color

Composite fillings can also improve the color of your tooth if the tooth being filled is badly discolored or stained. Consuming things like cigarettes, red wine, and coffee can all contribute to the staining of your teeth. Even grinding your teeth can cause discoloration.

Repairs small holes

Dental fillings can also be used on the small holes in your teeth that are not large enough to be considered cavities. These tiny holes are still large enough to trap bacteria and food particles, and they can get larger over time and turn into cavities later.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to having cavities and tooth cracks and fractures fixed with fillings, including stopping cavity growth, improving tooth color, and preventing future

Request an appointment here: https://www.marionfamilydentist.com or call Marion Family Dental at (828) 652-6967 for an appointment in our Marion office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Composite Fillings in Marion, NC.

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